A Holiday Wine & Vendor Day
Saturday Nov 02
1:00 PM
Just in time for the holidays
Handcrafted giftware-housewares-jewelry-bags-soaps-cosmetics & more.
Honor Connecticut vendors & artisans while shopping for your loved ones this Holiday Season. Eight vendors have confirmed and we expect a few more. Each vendor will provide an item from their table to be raffled throughout the day.
This is an outdoor big tent event at the winery.
Wine, beer, soda & snacks available.
This will be a relaxing holiday shopping day. Soft drinks & snacks for the kids. Beer & wine for the adults.
Hours of event: 1pm to 5pm
Reservations Recommended: https://www.bethlehemvineyard.com/events
All reservation holders will receive a ticket for the raffles throughout the day.
Bethlehem Vineyard 46 Town Line Rd Bethlehem, CT 06751 203-266-5024