

Wayback at the Winery -Repeat Performance

Friday Oct 25

6:00 PM

Highlights: Music by DJ - D Brown 

DBrown Music -R&B, hip-hop, top 40 pop & cultural genres

Time: 6-9pm

This is an outdoor, under the tent, event with heaters. Tiki lamps will light the way. A bonfire will be ablaze to make Smores. 

Cost: Advance purchase requested: $15.00   Day of purchase $20.00. Cost includes a complimentary glass of wine. Tickets available at: https://www.bethlehemvineyard.com/events.

Food will be available for purchase. TBA

Wine, Beer, Soda, Water available for purchase. Locally craft beer supplied by Lasting Brass Brewery located in Oakville, CT.


Direct Link To Share Event: https://www.bethlehemvineyard.com/event/75